Fundamentalist Christians Have Serious Daddy Issues
So not too long ago I posted something about Purity Balls which are celebrations where daughters pledge their virginity to their creepy fathers until they find a husband and "give" it to them. While it was more than just mildly disturbing, I still held out a minute amount of hope that perhaps this creepiness when it came to daughters wasn't widespread in the wackadoo christian community.
That hope is now gone
To sum things up, this is an article that encourages "Daddies" to take their daughters out for "date nights" to get a jump start on the whole dating scene she one day will inevitably enter. I have absolutely NO problem with daughters spending time with their fathers, in fact, I think I benefited greatly from an attentive father who would take me to tons of places. However, the language here, among other things, is what is disturbing.
First of all, never, under any circumstance, should you turn something as special as father-daughter bonding into a pseudo-sexual thing that somehow gets these "daughters" ready for the dating world they will one day enter. At least that should not be a father's motivation to hanging out with his young daughter.
Secondly, in no way should you be taking your daughter out to "reaffirm her femininity". Excuse me, I was unware it was my fathers job (or anyone elses for that matter) to remind me how I should be acting as a woman. Of course, you don't see these wingnuts advocating taking you daughter out to play baseball, or to a museum, or anything else mildly stimulating for both the mind and body. Nope. That would not give the impression that any fundie father would want. That would not show the daughter that she should be totally and completely focused on her father...that is of course until her next "owner" comes along-which would be her husband.
In any case, this is just yet another example of how unhinged these people are, and it's something I simply don't understand.
That hope is now gone
To sum things up, this is an article that encourages "Daddies" to take their daughters out for "date nights" to get a jump start on the whole dating scene she one day will inevitably enter. I have absolutely NO problem with daughters spending time with their fathers, in fact, I think I benefited greatly from an attentive father who would take me to tons of places. However, the language here, among other things, is what is disturbing.
First of all, never, under any circumstance, should you turn something as special as father-daughter bonding into a pseudo-sexual thing that somehow gets these "daughters" ready for the dating world they will one day enter. At least that should not be a father's motivation to hanging out with his young daughter.
Secondly, in no way should you be taking your daughter out to "reaffirm her femininity". Excuse me, I was unware it was my fathers job (or anyone elses for that matter) to remind me how I should be acting as a woman. Of course, you don't see these wingnuts advocating taking you daughter out to play baseball, or to a museum, or anything else mildly stimulating for both the mind and body. Nope. That would not give the impression that any fundie father would want. That would not show the daughter that she should be totally and completely focused on her father...that is of course until her next "owner" comes along-which would be her husband.
In any case, this is just yet another example of how unhinged these people are, and it's something I simply don't understand.