Sunday, November 05, 2006

Things Katie Loves

The ocean
Fire Island
When holier-then-thou homophobic fundamentalist whackjobs who advise Bush get exposed as meth snorting fudgepackers.

Now, at heart I truly am kind of a nerd. This is why the news of Ted Haggard being outed by a gay PROSTITUTE as someone who regularly pays for sex and buys crystal meth made my entire month. Not to mention this is SEVEN days before, arguably, one of the most important midterm elections in 100 years.

Ted Haggard is (ahem-WAS) the head of of everyones favorite insanity brigade-the National Association of Evangelicals. Basically a 30 million member conglomerate of god-fearing homo-hating creationism-loving wackadoos. He also was the lead pastor at the 14,000 member New Life Church in Colorado Springs (the city which currently serves as the Headquarters of Derangement. It has more evangelical churches and groups then any other city in the nation). Pastor Ted is also against gay marriage and supports a ban on it. Ahhh Schadenfreude much?

You can see one of the worlds pre-eminient evolutionary biologists-Richard Dawkins- question Father Ted here.

Now, two things are immediately clear upon watching this clip. This first is that there are WAY too many people who have nothing better to do with their lives then go to giant Churches and pray brainlessly at the feet of some megalomaniac who spreads hate and irrational thought. The second is that Pastor Ted is gayer than Ricky Martin in pearls and a fur coat. How NOBODY saw this coming who knew this guy is beyond me. How his wife Gayle managed to delude herself for 27 years and have 5 children with the man is perhaps a testament to how blindly these people do whatever they are told.

There is a third thing that is immediately clear as well, and that would be that unless you want to be subjected to such ridiulcousness on a regular basis and/or have your children taught creationism in school well, don't move to Colorado Springs.

Ok there is a fourth thing to be learned and that is: Those who hate and despise homosexuality the most usually are closeted ones themselves. It's sad, and part of me feels horrible for Ted, who is clearly gay (he just admitted it) but has so many issues with it because of the way both religion and society treat gays that he had to do a 180 and condemn them.

Of course, don't expect those bible thumping yahoos to see the irony-they will just end up hating gays even more.


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