Sunday, November 05, 2006

Someone remind me why we didn't let the South secede?

This is an actual postcard the good people (and by good I mean unfortunate) of Tennessee received in their mail. Tennesee is currently the site of one of the most important Senate races this election Corker vs Ford.

Surely I can't be the only one who finds it hysterical that they have used Anthony Michael Hall to somehow convey the idea that liberals are trying violate Gods natural order and screw up humanity by creating abortion pills or using stem cell reserch to help people with diseases like Parkinson's. Someone should enlighten them to the fact that having your mother be your sister and your wife at the same time while your favorite cow is your mistress also tends to violate this "natural order" they are so concerned about.

Also, with Democrats like Ford (who are for the war and against gays and pro-choice ideology) running for office in Tennessee, who needs Republicans?


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