I Woke Up in 1953.......
Nine Reasons to Steer Clear of Career Women: Slideshow
1. You are less likely to get married to her.
So say Lee A. Lillard and Linda J. Waite of the University of Michigan's Michigan Retirement Research Center. In a paper, "Marriage, Divorce and the Work and Earnings Careers of Spouses", published in April, 2000, they found that for white women, higher earnings, more hours of employment and higher wages while single all reduce the chances of marriage. "This suggests that (1) success in the labormarket makes it harder for women to make a marital match, (2) women with relatively high wages and earnings search less intensively for a match, or (3) successful women have higher standards for an acceptable match than women who work less and earn less." Some research suggests the opposite is true for black women.
She is more likely to cheat on you.
According to a wide-ranging review of the published literature, highly educated people are more likely to have had extra-marital sex (those with graduate degrees are 1.75 more likely to have cheated than those with high school diplomas.) One April, 2005 study, by Adrian J. Blow for the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy summed it up: "If a woman has more education than her partner, she is more likely to have a sexual relationship outside of her primary relationship; if her husband has more education, she is less likely to engage in infidelity." Additionally individuals who earn more than $30,000 a year are more likely to cheat. "In a more general sense, it appears that employment has significantly influenced infidelity over the years," Blow said. "The work environment provides a host of potential partners, and individuals frequently find themselves spending a great deal of time with these individuals."
4. You are much less likely to have kids.
According to the National Marriage Project, the incidence of childlessness is growing across the socioeconomic scale. In 2004, 20% of women over 40 remained childless. Thirty years ago that figure was 10%. But the problem--and it is a problem because the vast majority of women desire children--is much more extreme for career women. According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett, an economist and the author of Creating a Life: Professional Women and the Quest for Children, only 51% of ultra-achieving women (those earning more than $100,000 a year) have had children by age 40. Among comparable men, the figure was 81%. A third of less successful working women (earning either $55,000 or$65,000) were also childless at age 40.
5. If you do have kids, your wife is more likely to be unhappy.
A 2003 study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family concluded that wealthier couples with children suffer a drop in marital satisfaction three times as great as their less affluent peers. One of the study's co-authors publicly speculated that the reason is that wealthier women are used to "a professional life, a fun, active,entertaining life."
6. Your house will be dirtier.
In 2005, two University of Michigan scientists concluded that if your wife has a job earning more than $15 an hour (roughly $30,000 a year), she will do 1.9 hours less housework a week. Of course, this can be
solved if the husband picks up a broom.
7. You'll be unhappy if she makes more than you.
You aren't going to like it if she makes more than you do: "Married men's well-being is significantly lower when married women's proportional contributions to the total family income are increased."
8. She will be unhappy if she makes more than you.
According to the authors of a controversial 2006 study: "American wives, even wives who hold more feminist views about working women and the division of household tasks, are typically happier when their
husband earns 68% or more of the household income." Reason? "Husbands who are more successful breadwinners probably give their wives the opportunity to make more choices about work and family--e.g., working part-time, staying home, or pursuing a meaningful but not particularly remunerative job."
9. You are more likely to fall ill.
A 2001 study found that having a wife who works less than 40 hours a week has no impact on your health, but having a wife who works more than 40 hours a week has "substantial, statistically significant,
negative effects on changes in her husband's health over that time span." The author of another study summarizes that "wives working longer hours not do not have adequate time to monitor their husband's
health and healthy behavior, to manage their husband's emotional well-being or buffer his workplace stress."
ok, so this guy, Michael Noer, works in the editorial sector of Forbes magazine. He wrote the above article which outlined why exactly, you should never marry a career "girl". Needless to say, I wasnt the only person who was so shocked by the article that they thought the staff of the Onion hacked into Forbes website and put up this article. That is wishful thinking. No, this guy (and by guy I mean spineless, pencil dicked douchebag) is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS when he wrote this. What this article should be titled is " How to Spot an Insecure Pencil Dicked Douchbag Who Can't Handle a Real Woman".
Now, I was furious when I first read the article. It is possibly one of the most misogynistic, vile pieces of "journalism" (word used EXTREMELY loosely). Fortunately, I wasn't the only woman he completely pissed off, and really, he sparked an intense debate on Forbes's comments section. Upon reading these comments, it became clear that many, many men still felt this way about career women, and that most women felt almost violated by such a blatant example of condescending hatred.
Really, I think this article speaks for itself, however, I can't help but feel a foreboding sense of dread when it comes to women who want to make something of themselves in this world outside of cooking dinner for a man with such a depleted sense of self esteem that he rather hide his wife in the house then let her contribute to the household/world in a real way that will actually leave her fulfilled at the end of her life.
I was heartened to see the absolute disgust that women showed towards this article (both housewives and career women), because I am so used to women actively participating in the patriarchy that it almost came as a shock to see them stand up for themselves.
I do have to thank Michael Noer for conveniently providing a litmus test for any prospective boyfriend I may encounter. I think I'll put this article in my purse.
I would like to, however, provide my own version of this lisst.
1)You are less likely to get married to her because " she has higher standards of an acceptable match".
All this really means is that a woman who pays her own way and isnt obsessed with getting married and having babies REFUSES TO SETTLE. Generally, this would and should be considered a good thing, however if you are a raging douchebag named Michael Noer ( and any other male who would find it offensive that a woman didn't deign to marry his lazy, overrated ass) clearly has self esteem issues, this idea is quite frightening
2) you are more likely to get a divorce if you marry
"A few other studies, which have focused on employment (as opposed to working hours) have concluded that working outside the home actually increases marital stability, at least when the marriage is a happy one. But even in these studies, wives' employment does correlate positively to divorce rates, when the marriage is of "low marital quality.""
Basically, if she realizes after that fact that you are a lame catch, shes going to divorce you because, well, she doesnt need to stay with you for the money. That essentially means that when she catches you boinking the secretary, she won't hesistate to throw you out because shes afraid of how she will afford that country club. Or even just food to make dinner for her sorry ass.
3) she is more likely to cheat on you.
The more education you have the more likely you are to cheat. Which is fine if you are a dude, but we can't have our wives running around sleeping with people even though we are. that just messes up the balance of power. Men have been cheating on their wives for centuries because working DOES increase the odds that you will find someone else you are attracted to. So women are going to do the same thing because, what it comes down to is, MONOGAMY IS NOT NATURAL.
4) you are less likely to have kids
Yeah, because, career women don't base their entire life's worth on having a crotchturd, or 4. They have other things they want to do besides procreate. And they are perfectly happy doing so. Hopefully, regardless of this, the desire to have children is something you have talked about BEFORE you got married.
5) if you do have kids, you're wife is more likely to be unhappy.
why Noer asks? because "wealthier women are used to "a professional life, a fun, active,entertaining life." Right. So what you are saying is, if she's not a career woman, she won't notice that being a homemaker is boring and sucks the life out of you, both intellectually and physically, and the fact that she has become a vapid diaper changer who can't stop talking about what kind of pureed carrots she feeds her 4 kids won't bother her. This is bad why?
6) you're house will be dirtier.
Um, right. Because part of having a penis means you are genetically incapable of picking up after yourself and breaking out some sort of cleaning fluid once in awhile. Sorry boys, but none of you have a penis so big that it can be considered a handicap when it comes to housework. Also, you're brains aren't too big either, trust me.
7) you'll be unhappy if she makes more then you
Grow some balls you twit and be happy that you have more money in general because you wife is smart and prefers making money over watching soap opera's.
8) she will be unhappy if she makes more money then you.
Well, this is to the women. If you're view of what makes you a "woman" is so antiquated that you believe your husband is somehow less of a man because you make more money then change your point of view. Unless he's lazy and that's why he makes less money, then divorce his ass.
9) you will be more likely to fall ill.
Why? Because "wives working longer hours not do not have adequate time to monitor their husband's
health and healthy behavior, to manage their husband's emotional well-being or buffer his workplace stress."
The fact that he added this really just makes men look like incompentant fools that need to be babied their entire lives. So, if Michael Noer wanted to reaffirm most women's beliefs that men in general are vaguely moronic all of the time well, then you have accomplished something Mr. Noer. A word to the wise ladies, if the guy you plan on marrying needs you so he goes to the doctor and doesn't eat fried foods all the time, pull a number one on this list and be less likely to get married, because when you marry a man like that, you aren't having a wedding and gaining a husband, you are going through labor and acquiring a child.
1. You are less likely to get married to her.
So say Lee A. Lillard and Linda J. Waite of the University of Michigan's Michigan Retirement Research Center. In a paper, "Marriage, Divorce and the Work and Earnings Careers of Spouses", published in April, 2000, they found that for white women, higher earnings, more hours of employment and higher wages while single all reduce the chances of marriage. "This suggests that (1) success in the labormarket makes it harder for women to make a marital match, (2) women with relatively high wages and earnings search less intensively for a match, or (3) successful women have higher standards for an acceptable match than women who work less and earn less." Some research suggests the opposite is true for black women.
She is more likely to cheat on you.
According to a wide-ranging review of the published literature, highly educated people are more likely to have had extra-marital sex (those with graduate degrees are 1.75 more likely to have cheated than those with high school diplomas.) One April, 2005 study, by Adrian J. Blow for the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy summed it up: "If a woman has more education than her partner, she is more likely to have a sexual relationship outside of her primary relationship; if her husband has more education, she is less likely to engage in infidelity." Additionally individuals who earn more than $30,000 a year are more likely to cheat. "In a more general sense, it appears that employment has significantly influenced infidelity over the years," Blow said. "The work environment provides a host of potential partners, and individuals frequently find themselves spending a great deal of time with these individuals."
4. You are much less likely to have kids.
According to the National Marriage Project, the incidence of childlessness is growing across the socioeconomic scale. In 2004, 20% of women over 40 remained childless. Thirty years ago that figure was 10%. But the problem--and it is a problem because the vast majority of women desire children--is much more extreme for career women. According to Sylvia Ann Hewlett, an economist and the author of Creating a Life: Professional Women and the Quest for Children, only 51% of ultra-achieving women (those earning more than $100,000 a year) have had children by age 40. Among comparable men, the figure was 81%. A third of less successful working women (earning either $55,000 or$65,000) were also childless at age 40.
5. If you do have kids, your wife is more likely to be unhappy.
A 2003 study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family concluded that wealthier couples with children suffer a drop in marital satisfaction three times as great as their less affluent peers. One of the study's co-authors publicly speculated that the reason is that wealthier women are used to "a professional life, a fun, active,entertaining life."
6. Your house will be dirtier.
In 2005, two University of Michigan scientists concluded that if your wife has a job earning more than $15 an hour (roughly $30,000 a year), she will do 1.9 hours less housework a week. Of course, this can be
solved if the husband picks up a broom.
7. You'll be unhappy if she makes more than you.
You aren't going to like it if she makes more than you do: "Married men's well-being is significantly lower when married women's proportional contributions to the total family income are increased."
8. She will be unhappy if she makes more than you.
According to the authors of a controversial 2006 study: "American wives, even wives who hold more feminist views about working women and the division of household tasks, are typically happier when their
husband earns 68% or more of the household income." Reason? "Husbands who are more successful breadwinners probably give their wives the opportunity to make more choices about work and family--e.g., working part-time, staying home, or pursuing a meaningful but not particularly remunerative job."
9. You are more likely to fall ill.
A 2001 study found that having a wife who works less than 40 hours a week has no impact on your health, but having a wife who works more than 40 hours a week has "substantial, statistically significant,
negative effects on changes in her husband's health over that time span." The author of another study summarizes that "wives working longer hours not do not have adequate time to monitor their husband's
health and healthy behavior, to manage their husband's emotional well-being or buffer his workplace stress."
ok, so this guy, Michael Noer, works in the editorial sector of Forbes magazine. He wrote the above article which outlined why exactly, you should never marry a career "girl". Needless to say, I wasnt the only person who was so shocked by the article that they thought the staff of the Onion hacked into Forbes website and put up this article. That is wishful thinking. No, this guy (and by guy I mean spineless, pencil dicked douchebag) is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS when he wrote this. What this article should be titled is " How to Spot an Insecure Pencil Dicked Douchbag Who Can't Handle a Real Woman".
Now, I was furious when I first read the article. It is possibly one of the most misogynistic, vile pieces of "journalism" (word used EXTREMELY loosely). Fortunately, I wasn't the only woman he completely pissed off, and really, he sparked an intense debate on Forbes's comments section. Upon reading these comments, it became clear that many, many men still felt this way about career women, and that most women felt almost violated by such a blatant example of condescending hatred.
Really, I think this article speaks for itself, however, I can't help but feel a foreboding sense of dread when it comes to women who want to make something of themselves in this world outside of cooking dinner for a man with such a depleted sense of self esteem that he rather hide his wife in the house then let her contribute to the household/world in a real way that will actually leave her fulfilled at the end of her life.
I was heartened to see the absolute disgust that women showed towards this article (both housewives and career women), because I am so used to women actively participating in the patriarchy that it almost came as a shock to see them stand up for themselves.
I do have to thank Michael Noer for conveniently providing a litmus test for any prospective boyfriend I may encounter. I think I'll put this article in my purse.
I would like to, however, provide my own version of this lisst.
1)You are less likely to get married to her because " she has higher standards of an acceptable match".
All this really means is that a woman who pays her own way and isnt obsessed with getting married and having babies REFUSES TO SETTLE. Generally, this would and should be considered a good thing, however if you are a raging douchebag named Michael Noer ( and any other male who would find it offensive that a woman didn't deign to marry his lazy, overrated ass) clearly has self esteem issues, this idea is quite frightening
2) you are more likely to get a divorce if you marry
"A few other studies, which have focused on employment (as opposed to working hours) have concluded that working outside the home actually increases marital stability, at least when the marriage is a happy one. But even in these studies, wives' employment does correlate positively to divorce rates, when the marriage is of "low marital quality.""
Basically, if she realizes after that fact that you are a lame catch, shes going to divorce you because, well, she doesnt need to stay with you for the money. That essentially means that when she catches you boinking the secretary, she won't hesistate to throw you out because shes afraid of how she will afford that country club. Or even just food to make dinner for her sorry ass.
3) she is more likely to cheat on you.
The more education you have the more likely you are to cheat. Which is fine if you are a dude, but we can't have our wives running around sleeping with people even though we are. that just messes up the balance of power. Men have been cheating on their wives for centuries because working DOES increase the odds that you will find someone else you are attracted to. So women are going to do the same thing because, what it comes down to is, MONOGAMY IS NOT NATURAL.
4) you are less likely to have kids
Yeah, because, career women don't base their entire life's worth on having a crotchturd, or 4. They have other things they want to do besides procreate. And they are perfectly happy doing so. Hopefully, regardless of this, the desire to have children is something you have talked about BEFORE you got married.
5) if you do have kids, you're wife is more likely to be unhappy.
why Noer asks? because "wealthier women are used to "a professional life, a fun, active,entertaining life." Right. So what you are saying is, if she's not a career woman, she won't notice that being a homemaker is boring and sucks the life out of you, both intellectually and physically, and the fact that she has become a vapid diaper changer who can't stop talking about what kind of pureed carrots she feeds her 4 kids won't bother her. This is bad why?
6) you're house will be dirtier.
Um, right. Because part of having a penis means you are genetically incapable of picking up after yourself and breaking out some sort of cleaning fluid once in awhile. Sorry boys, but none of you have a penis so big that it can be considered a handicap when it comes to housework. Also, you're brains aren't too big either, trust me.
7) you'll be unhappy if she makes more then you
Grow some balls you twit and be happy that you have more money in general because you wife is smart and prefers making money over watching soap opera's.
8) she will be unhappy if she makes more money then you.
Well, this is to the women. If you're view of what makes you a "woman" is so antiquated that you believe your husband is somehow less of a man because you make more money then change your point of view. Unless he's lazy and that's why he makes less money, then divorce his ass.
9) you will be more likely to fall ill.
Why? Because "wives working longer hours not do not have adequate time to monitor their husband's
health and healthy behavior, to manage their husband's emotional well-being or buffer his workplace stress."
The fact that he added this really just makes men look like incompentant fools that need to be babied their entire lives. So, if Michael Noer wanted to reaffirm most women's beliefs that men in general are vaguely moronic all of the time well, then you have accomplished something Mr. Noer. A word to the wise ladies, if the guy you plan on marrying needs you so he goes to the doctor and doesn't eat fried foods all the time, pull a number one on this list and be less likely to get married, because when you marry a man like that, you aren't having a wedding and gaining a husband, you are going through labor and acquiring a child.
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